Sacrament Meeting is when all of the members of the ward go to the main room of the chapel, and partake of the sacrament, which was first established by Jesus Christ, in the Last Supper.
Daily Lives and Beliefs: After the sessions, and for everyday of their lives, members can choose to follow God's commandments, but when they commit a serious sin, they will be excommunicated (expelled) from the church. God's commandments include the Ten Commandments, the Word of Wisdom, and the knowing of right and wrong.

Apostles, Prophets, Pastures, and Teachers: The Church is organized by a prophet which holds all the keys to the Priesthood. The prophet is accompanied by a first counselor, and a second counselor, and that makes up the First Presidency. The First Presidency leads the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. This consists of twelve chosen men each holding some keys to the priesthood, all of them together hold the same keys as the prophet. They in turn lead the Quorums of the Seventy. Right now, there are eight quorums each consisting up to seventy members. They lead quorums of High Counselors, which are in charge of stake centers. They in turn lead the Stake Presidency, who leads the bishops who are in charge of the wards.
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